Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (65)

  1. 61. Jacobs, D., Nys, M., Rea, A., & Swyngedouw, M. (1999). City template Brussels: basic information on ethnic minorities and their participation.
  2. 62. Jacobs, D., Bousetta, H., Kagné, B., Martiniello, M., Nys, M., Rea, A., & Swyngedouw, M. (1999). Common introduction to the Belgian templates, cities of Antwerp, Brussels and Liège: basic information on ethnic minorities and their participation.
  3. 63. Jacobs, D. (1997). Uitgelezen: poortwachters over immigranten van John Shuster. Samenleving en politiek, 6(7) , 47-48.
  4. 64. Jacobs, D. (1997). Review of Het Belgische migrantendebat by Blommaert en Verschueren. Language Problems and Language Planning, 21(3) , 286-287.
  5. 65. Jacobs, D. (1996). Zorgen voor jezelf: bespreking van Hub Zwarts'technocratie en onbehagen, de plaats van de ethiek in het werk van Michel Foulcault. Psychologie en Maatschappij, 20(2) , 209-211.
  6.   Participations à des congrès et colloques internationaux (80)

  7. 1. Danhier, J., Martin, E., Alarcon-Henriquez, A., Kaelen, R., & Jacobs, D. (2016). Teacher sorting in the French speaking community of Belgium. Paper session presented at EARLI 2016 Joint Conference sigs 18&23: "Closing the gap?" (University of Oslo).
  8. 2. Danhier, J., Martin, E., Alarcon-Henriquez, A., Kaelen, R., & Jacobs, D. (2016). Ségrégation intra-établissement en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. Paper session presented at Congrès AREF 2016 "A quelles questions cherchons-nous réponse ?" (Mons).
  9. 3. Danhier, J., Kaelen, R., Martin, E., Alarcon-Henriquez, A., & Jacobs, D. (2015). Être élève d’origine modeste à l’école d’un pays ségrégé : un double handicap ! Poster présenté à la conférence ABCDay 2015 (10 novembre 2015: HELMo).
  10. 4. Mascia, C., & Jacobs, D. (2014). Cui bono? Integration courses for newcomers, the case of the Brussels Capital Region. Paper session presented at International Political Science Association's 23rd World Congress of Political Science (1-24 juillet: Montreal).
  11. 5. Gagliolo, M., Lenaerts, T., & Jacobs, D. (2013). A comparative analysis of the dynamics of interlocking directorates among immigrant organizations. Paper session presented at Belgian Social and Economic Network Research Meeting (BSEN) (3: 2013-10-03: Leuven).
  12. 6. Gagliolo, M., Lenaerts, T., & Jacobs, D. (2013). A comparative analysis of the dynamics of interlock networks immigrant organizations. Paper session presented at ECPR General Conference (7: 2013-09-07: Bordeaux, France).
  13. 7. Gagliolo, M., Lenaerts, T., & Jacobs, D. (2013). A comparative analysis of the dynamics of interlocks among immigrant organizations. Paper session presented at Sunbelt, Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) (XXXIII: 2013-05-23: Hamburg, Germany).

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