Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (106)

  1. 79. Khan, A. Z. (2010). Rethinking Scale in the Context of Sustainable Urbanism. Netherlands: NWO-Veni Scheme.
  2. 80. Crols, T., Khan, A. Z., Canters, F., & Corijn, E. (2010). Coastal Resources and Uses: Belgian case-studies of Brugge and Oostende.
  3. 81. Khan, A. Z. (2010). Prospective Urbaine - Exploring Urban Futures.
  4. 82. Khan, A. Z. (2010). Scaling Sustainable Urbanism: Reimagining Urban Form as a factor of Sustainability. Flanders, Belgium: FWO.
  5. 83. Khan, A. Z. (2010). Urban Form and Sustainability: Scaling Urban Metabolism - The Case of Brussels. Belgium: Prospective Research for Brussels.
  6. 84. Khan, A. Z. (2009). Beginings at Afternoons. (PGCHS’s newsletter). KULeuven: ASRO.
  7. 85. Khan, A. Z. (2009). Between Colonialism and Globalization: Rethinking Modes of Development and Identity production in South Asian Urbanism. U.K.: YALE University.
  8. 86. Khan, A. Z. (2009). Between Colonialism and Globalization: Rethinking Modes of Development and Identity production in South Asian Urbanism. Canada: CCA (Canadian Centre of Architecture).
  9. 87. Khan, A. Z. (2009). Sustainable Urban Design. Delft: TUDelft.
  10. 88. Khan, A. Z., de Meulder, B., & Loeckx, A. (2009). Urban Design and Sustainable Development: Exploring interfaces in Theory, Process, and Product. Leuven: KULeuven: K. U. Leuven Research Fund.
  11. 89. Khan, A. Z., de Meulder, B., & Loeckx, A. (2008). Between Colonialism and Globalization: Rethinking Modes of Development and Identity production in South Asian Urbanism. Leuven: KULeuven: K. U. Leuven Research Fund.
  12. 90. Khan, A. Z. (2008). Green consciousness, Sustainability and the Making of Islamabad: The development of a City of the Future. Cambridge (Mass.): Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): AKPIA.

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