Rapports de recherche, comptes rendus, lettres à l'éditeur, working papers (106)

  1. 43. Khan, A. Z. (2012). Transcending Ambivalence: Planning for hope and creating futures: The SAARC, ECO, CAR, and SAARCAR frameworks. EMSDP.
  2. 44. Khan, A. Z. (2012). Planning development & Post-colonial Ambivalence: A spatial history of Sovereignty, Governmentality and territorial development. European Module for Spatial Development Planning.
  3. 45. Khan, A. Z. (2012). Social Impact Assessment as a Community Development Planning Tool. (European Planning Studies).
  4. 46. Khan, A. Z., Canters, F., Vanderhaegen, S., Quynh, L., & Corijn, E. (2012). Mapping Land Use Conflicts for different scenarios.
  5. 47. Canters, F., Vanderhaegen, S., Khan, A. Z., Quynh, L., & Corijn, E. (2012). Maps of the Land Use Conflicts for different scenarios: The Belgian case-study of Zee-Brugge port expansion.
  6. 48. Vanderhaegen, S., Canters, F., Khan, A. Z., Quynh, L., & Corijn, E. (2012). Simulating the implementation of Coastal Management Mechanisms (CMM).
  7. 49. Khan, A. Z., Quynh, L., Corijn, E., Vanderhaegen, S., & Canters, F. (2012). Sustainability and Belgian coastal space: Towards an integrated framework for conflict and resource management.
  8. 50. Khan, A. Z., Crols, T., Canters, F., Quynh, L., & Corijn, E. (2012). Assessment of Social and Institutional Vulnerability to Coastal Hazards: the case of Belgian Integrated Coastal Safety plan and Water management measures in response to Flooding.
  9. 51. Moulaert, F., Van den Broeck, P., Khan, A. Z., & Servillo, L. (2012). External commission’s Research evaluation Visitation report of P&D – Reactions and responses, Planning & Development research group, ASRO dept., Leuven: KULeuven.
  10. 52. Khan, A. Z., Canters, F., Vanderhaegen, S., Quynh, L., & Corijn, E. (2012). Synoptic report on maps of the land use conflicts for different scenarios.
  11. 53. Portman, M., Esteves, L., Quynh, L., & Khan, A. Z. (2012). Progress in ICZM – Integrated Coastal Zone Management: A Handbook for Scholars and Practitioners. (SECOA).
  12. 54. Khan, A. Z., Bajwa, K. W., Vandal, P., & Arshad, F. (2011). Architects and the Profession of Architecture in South Asia. Munich: South Asia exhibition.

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