Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (32)

  1. 15. Khan, A. Z. (2011). Urban Design of Islamabad: Framework for a sustainable metropolis of the future. 50th Anniversary of the Capital City IAP-CDA Conference(April 2011: Islamabad, Pakistan)
  2. 16. Khan, A. Z., Quynh, L., Corijn, E., & Canters, F. (2011). Synoptic report on environmental conflicts in coastal urban areas. International SECOA (European FP-7) project symposium (20th – 24th June, 2011: London)
  3. 17. Khan, A. Z. (2010). Reinventing Modern Urbanism: Doxiadis City of the Future in the Plan for Islamabad 1959-63. Historiography of Art and Architecture in Pakistan and the Region International THAAP Conference(November 2010: Lahore, Pakistan)
  4. 18. Khan, A. Z. (2009). Nature-State-Citizen relationship in the plan of Islamabad: The making of a city of the future. South Asia Across Disciplines, South Asia initiative and GSAS symposium (18th March: Harvard University, Cambridge, USA)
  5. 19. Khan, A. Z. (2008). On Nature & the City in the Plan for Islamabad: Rethinking the environmental agenda of Late Modernism. Self Organization & Planning, New Towns Abroad symposium International New Town Institute(May 2008: Almere, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
  6. 20. Khan, A. Z. (2008). Design, National Identity, and State Representation: The Legacy of Doxiadis plan for Islamabad. Instant Cities: Emergent Trends in Architecture and Urbanism in the Arab World 3rd International CSAAR Conference(1-3 April, 2008: American University of Sharjah)
  7. 21. Khan, A. Z. (2007). Extrovert Synthesis in the Design of Islamabad: Doxiadis ambition for an evolutionary national style of the new capital. Constantinos Doxiadis and His Work International conference(19-21 January 2007: Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece)
  8. 22. Khan, A. Z. (2006). National identity and state representation in a post-colonial context: Symbolism and Ideology in Doxiadis plan for Islamabad. The politics of making: theory, practice, product 3rd annual AHRA (architectural humanities research association) international conference(17-18 November 2006: St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, United Kingdom)
  9. 23. Khan, A. Z. (2006). Symbolism and Ideology in Doxiadis plan for Islamabad. The Politics of Making Colonial and post-colonial: Constructing national identities II(2006: Oxford: Oxford Brookes University)
  10. 24. Khan, A. Z. (2006). Representing the State: Cross National Transfer of Planning Ideas and Local Identity. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference (IPHS-2006) International Planning History Society(153: 1-24: Kanpur, Indian Institute of Technology)
  11. 25. Khan, A. Z. (2005). The City Dispersed: C. A. Doxiadis and the Islamabad Experience. Broken Symmetry, Emergent Properties, Dissipative Structures: Postmodernity and Deconstruction, 1968-2006 International Symposium(28-30 March 2005: Nairang Gallery, Lahore)
  12. 26. Khan, A. Z. (2005). Rhizomatic Urban Form and the Extrovert Synthesis: Doxiadis use of Urban Design Vocabulary. Globalization and Local Identity – Ekistics Theory, Research and Documentation (pp. 1-25) the WSE International symposium(September 2005: Hikone: University of Shiga prefecture, Japan).

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