Articles dans des revues avec comité de lecture (2)
Imhauser, C. (2002). Breaking new ground in subtitling research: ESIST gathers material. Language international, 14(2), 22-23.
Imhauser, C. (1999). Between the lines: New multilingual subtitling software enters the digital age. Language international, 11(3), 36-37.
Communications publiées lors de congrès ou colloques nationaux et internationaux (17)
Imhauser, C. (2011). Le sous-titrage en direct: Approche historique et enjeux. Formation à la localisation multimédia Journée d'étude eCoLoMedia(14 décembre 2009)
Imhauser, C. (2010). Voice coaching: Training for trainers seminar. Voice coaching: Training for trainers seminar (12 January 2010: SCIC - European Commission ; Brussels)
Imhauser, C. (2010). Séminaire de recherche: Respeaking for live subtitle: a technological and human challenge. Respeaking for live subtitle: a technological and human challenge (9 April 2010: City University of Hong Kong, department of Chinese, translation and linguistics)
Imhauser, C. (2009). Live subtitling via respeaking or dual keyboard. In G. C. Fong & K. K. L. Au (Eds.), Dubbing and subtitling in a world context Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.
Imhauser, C. (2009). The pedagogy of subtitling. In G. C. Fong & K. K. L. Au (Eds.), Dubbing and subtitling in a world context (pp. 230-241) Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.
Imhauser, C. (2008). Le sous-titrage, un outil pédagogique. In D. Chiaro, C. Heiss, & C. Bucaria (Eds.), Between text and image: Updating research in screen translation. (Benjamins Translation Library, 78). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Imhauser, C. (2008). Subtitling: A cultural, political and economic tool. In D. Chiaro, C. Heiss, & C. Bucaria (Eds.), Between text and image: Updating research in screen translation. (Benjamins Translation Library, 78). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Imhauser, C. (2008). Semaine de formation aux techniques du sous-titrage: Assistance pédagogique : programme Erasmus. Semaine de formation aux techniques du sous-titrage (4-11 avril 2008: Université de Padoue)
Imhauser, C. (2007). Le marché du sous-titrage. In M. T. Musacchio & G. Henrot Sostero (Eds.), Tradurre: Formazione et professione. (Il C.L.A. per le lingue straniere : esperienze e prospettive, 5). Padova: Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Universita di Padova.
Imhauser, C. (2007). Outils de formation en sous-titrage. In M. T. Musacchio & G. Henrot Sostero (Eds.), Tradurre: Formazione et professione. (Il C.L.A. per le lingue straniere : esperienze e prospettive, 5). Padova: Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Universita di Padova.