par Philippsen, Peter;Kleine, K;Pöhlmann, R;Düsterhöft, A;Hamberg, K;Hegemann, Johannes H;Obermaier, B;Urrestarazu, Luis
;Aert, R;Albermann, K;Altmann, R;André, Bruno
;Baladron, V;Ballesta, J P;Bécam, A M;Beinhauer, J;Boskovic, J;Buitrago, M J;Bussereau, F;Coster, F;Crouzet, M;D'Angelo, Maria Grazia;Dal Pero, F;De Antoni, A;Del Rey, F;Doignon, F;Domdey, H;Dubois, Evelyne
;Fiedler, Thomas;Fleig, U;Floeth, M;Fritz, C;Gaillardin, C;Garcia-Cantalejo, J M;Glansdorff, N N;Goffeau, A;Gueldener, U;Herbert, C;Heumann, K;Heuss-Neitzel, D;Hilbert, H;Hinni, K;Iraqui Houssaini, Ismaïl
;Jacquet, Maud
;Jiménez, Ana I.;Jonniaux, J L;Karpfinger, L;Lanfranchi, G;Lepingle, A;Levesque, H;Lyck, R;Maftahi, M;Mallet, L;Maurer, Konrad;Messenguy, Francine
;Mewes, H W;Mösti, D;Nasr, F;Nicaud, Jean Marc;Niedenthal, R K;Pandolfo, D;Pierard, Annie
;Piravandi, E;Planta, R J;Pohl, T M;Purnelle, B;Rebischung, C;Remacha, M;Revuelta, Jose L;Rinke, M;Saiz, J E;Sartorello, F;Scherens, Bart;Sen-Gupta, M;Soler-Mira, A;Urbanus, J H;Valle, Giorgio;Van Dyck, L;Verhasselt, P;Vierendeels, Fabienne;Vissers, Stephan
;Voet, Marleen;Volckaert, Guido;Wach, A;Wambutt, R;Wedler, H;Zollner, A;Hani, J
Référence Nature (London), 387, 6632 Suppl, page (93-98)
Publication Publié, 1997-05

Référence Nature (London), 387, 6632 Suppl, page (93-98)
Publication Publié, 1997-05
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | In 1992 we started assembling an ordered library of cosmid clones from chromosome XIV of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. At that time, only 49 genes were known to be located on this chromosome and we estimated that 80% to 90% of its genes were yet to be discovered. In 1993, a team of 20 European laboratories began the systematic sequence analysis of chromosome XIV. The completed and intensively checked final sequence of 784,328 base pairs was released in April, 1996. Substantial parts had been published before or had previously been made available on request. The sequence contained 419 known or presumptive protein-coding genes, including two pseudogenes and three retrotransposons, 14 tRNA genes, and three small nuclear RNA genes. For 116 (30%) protein-coding sequences, one or more structural homologues were identified elsewhere in the yeast genome. Half of them belong to duplicated groups of 6-14 loosely linked genes, in most cases with conserved gene order and orientation (relaxed interchromosomal synteny). We have considered the possible evolutionary origins of this unexpected feature of yeast genome organization. |