  • Comparison of functional MRi-guidance to electrical cortical brain mapping for targeting selective motor cortex areas: a study based on intraoperative stereotactic navigation for motor cortex stimulation in neuropathic pain
Auteur:Pirotte, Benoît; Neugroschl, Carine; Metens, Thierry; Wikler, David; Denolin, Vincent; Voordecker, Philippe; Joffroy, Alfred; Massager, Nicolas; Brotchi, Jacques; Levivier, Marc; Balériaux, Danielle
Informations sur la publication:American Society of Neuroradiology (June 7-11, 2004: Seattle, WA, USA)
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2004
Sujet CREF:Imagerie médicale, radiologie, tomographie