par Aaron, Francise;Delvax, Julie
;Favart, Laurent
;Janssen, Xavier
;Marage, Pierre
;Roland, Benoît
; [et al.]
Référence Physics letters. Section B, 654, 5-6, page (148-159)
Publication Publié, 2007

Référence Physics letters. Section B, 654, 5-6, page (148-159)
Publication Publié, 2007
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The average charged track multiplicity and the normalised distribution of the scaled momentum, x p, of charged final state hadrons are measured in deep-inelastic ep scattering at high Q 2 in the Breit frame of reference. The analysis covers the range of photon virtuality 100 < Q 2 < 20 000 GeV 2. Compared with previous results presented by HERA experiments this analysis has a significantly higher statistical precision and extends the phase space to higher Q 2 and to the full range of x p. The results are compared with e + e - annihilation data and with various calculations based on perturbative QCD using different models of the hadronisation process. © 2007. |