par Van Haute, Emilie
Référence Carty Workshop ‘Parties as Organizations and Parties as Systems’ (20-21 May 2011: Vancouver)
Publication Non publié, 2011-05-20
Référence Carty Workshop ‘Parties as Organizations and Parties as Systems’ (20-21 May 2011: Vancouver)
Publication Non publié, 2011-05-20
Communication à un colloque
Résumé : | Literature on party organizations at the grass-root level mainly focuses on the question of who joins parties, and why. Explanatory models have been developed, inspired by the literature on political participation. Whereas scholars questioned the motivations for joining a party, few researches have been performed on the reasons for remaining a member, or for leaving a party. Combining the idea that parties are miniature political systems, and Hirschman’s trilogy on organization, the paper suggest applying the concepts of exit, voice and loyalty to the study of party organizations. This question is of particular interest in a context of declining membership and questioning of the parties’ capacity to perform their essential functions in democracies. |