par Radenkovic, M.;Schmitz, Guy ;Kolar-Anić, Ljiljana;Anić, Slobodan
Référence Phys.Chem.'96, 3rd Int.Conference of the Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia, page (137)
Publication Publié, 1996
Publication dans des actes
  • Dependence of the rate of iodine oxidation by hydrogen peroxide on the acidity of the Bray-Liebhafsky system
Auteur:Radenkovic, M.; Schmitz, Guy; Kolar-Anić, Ljiljana; Anić, Slobodan
Informations sur la publication:Phys.Chem.'96, 3rd Int.Conference of the Society of Physical Chemists of Serbia, page (137)
Statut de publication:Publié, 1996
Sujet CREF:Cinétique chimique