par Coppieters, Yves
;Levêque, Alain
;Kahn, A;Groswasser, José
;Piette, Danielle 
Référence Archives de pédiatrie, 7, 3, page (290-296)
Publication Publié, 2000-03

Référence Archives de pédiatrie, 7, 3, page (290-296)
Publication Publié, 2000-03
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | This work summarises the current difficulties encountered in performing autopsies in cases of sudden unexplained infant deaths in Belgium. Over the last few years, the incidence of postneonatal deaths in most European countries has significantly decreased, probably due to prevention campaigns. However, there are still many difficulties encountered in systematically including autopsies in the general strategy for managing this public health problem. The analysis of autopsy practices in Belgium in cases of unexplained infants' deaths and their comparison with other European countries' practices give us the opportunity to propose changes in order to improve policies and the overall understanding of these unexplained deaths. |