  • European Situation of the routine medical data collection and their utilisation for health monitoring: Euro-Med-Data Final Report to the D.G. Sanco, European Commission, Luxembourg
Auteur:Lagasse, Raphaël; Desmet, Myriam; Jamoulle, Marc; Correa Corrales, Gilma-Ines; Roland, Michel; Hoyois, Philippe; De Brouwer, Christophe
Organisme financeur:European Commission: DG SANCO : Health Monitoring Programme.
Statut de publication:Publié, 2001-12
Sujet CREF:Santé publique
Volumes/pages:241 p.
Note générale:Download the whole report in PDF : http://www.ulb.ac.be/esp/emd/Emd_rep.pdf