par Leybaert, Jacqueline ;Content, Alain ;Alegria Iscoa, Jesus
Référence Kassel (RFA), Second International Congress of Applied Psycholinguistics, Workshop on "Automatic and Creative Processes in Reading" (28 juillet 1987)
Publication Non publié, 1987
Communication à un colloque
  • Development of written word recognition: the case of the deaf child
Auteur:Leybaert, Jacqueline; Content, Alain; Alegria Iscoa, Jesus
Informations sur la publication:Kassel (RFA), Second International Congress of Applied Psycholinguistics, Workshop on "Automatic and Creative Processes in Reading" (28 juillet 1987)
Statut de publication:Non publié, 1987
Sujet CREF:Psychologie