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Résumé : We have studied the interaction of hydrogen "'i lh Rh lips undcr imaging conditions of fi eld ion microscopy. In eleclric fi elds of 2.4 VIA. in the presence of hydrogen gas at 10 ~ mbar and al cryogen ic lemperatu res. discrete events of field eva poration were found to form ( I x 2) patlerns on Rh l l 101 due 10 the removal of Rh aloms along [0 I T] the direction of densely packed atomic chains. This is diffe rent from the usual field evapora tion mechani sm which occurs by a shri nka ge of layers from the edge to Ihe center. Corroborating evidence fo r Ihis interpretation is obtai ned from ab initio cluster C<11culations based on density funClional theory.