par Quitin, François ;Oestges, Claude;Horlin, François ;De Doncker, Philippe
Référence (21-24 September, 2008: Calgary, Alberta), Proc. of the IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC-Fall
Publication Publié, 2008-09
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : This paper proposes a closed-form expression for the correlation coefficient and the cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) of a randomly oriented dual- or tri-polarized MIMO system. The environment is supposed to have a truncated Laplacian power azimuth spectrum that is widely used in standardization bodies. correlation and XPD are shown to be highly sensitive to receiver orientation, azimuth spread and environment depolarization behavior. Measurements were conducted at 3.5 GHz to validate the theoretical model. Good agreement is obtained between theoretical curves and experimental results for correlation and XPD when comparing at different receiver orientations.