par De Wachter, Bram ;Massart, Thierry ;Saeednia, Shahrokh
Référence (December 2002: Chennai, India), Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations Research for Development - XXXVth Annual Convention of ORSI, page (4)
Publication Publié, 2002
Publication dans des actes
  • Efficient heuristics for the optimal task labeling problem
Auteur:De Wachter, Bram; Massart, Thierry; Saeednia, Shahrokh
Informations sur la publication:(December 2002: Chennai, India), Proceedings of the International Conference on Operations Research for Development - XXXVth Annual Convention of ORSI, page (4)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2002
Sujet CREF:Informatique mathématique