par Lancelot, Christiane
;Keller, M.;Rousseau, Véronique
;Smith, Walker O. Jr.;Mathot, Sylvie 
Référence NATO Advanced Workshop on the physiological ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms, Physiological Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms, Springer, Vol. Series G 41, Ed. 1, page (209-224)
Publication Publié, 1998-06-02

Référence NATO Advanced Workshop on the physiological ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms, Physiological Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms, Springer, Vol. Series G 41, Ed. 1, page (209-224)
Publication Publié, 1998-06-02
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : | Blooms of toxic or harmful microalgae, commonly called "red tides", represent a significant and expanding threat to human health and fisheries resources throughout the world. The impacts of these "harmful algal blooms" range from illness and death of human consumers of shellfish or fish that have accumulated algal toxins to ecosystem alteration and mortalities of marine mammals and other animals. Presented here is a state-of-the art review of all major topics relating to the ecology and physiology of harmful algal bloom species. The autecology of all major groups is covered in detail, and the ecophysiological processes and mechanisms that regulate their growth, bloom development, and toxin production are addressed as well. |