par Bartik, Kristin
;Luhmer, Michel
;Collet, André;Reisse, Jacques 
Référence Chirality, 13, 1, page (2-6)
Publication Publié, 2001

Référence Chirality, 13, 1, page (2-6)
Publication Publié, 2001
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | In this article we focus on the interaction between a chiral molecule and a single achiral molecule or an ensemble of achiral molecules. The desymmetrization of the achiral molecules resulting from this interaction is described as ldquochiralization.rdquo By analogy with electric polarization, we factorize chiralization into three factors, i.e., orientation, atomic, and electronic terms. Chiralization depends on the dipolar polarizability of the chiralized molecule but also on polarizabilities of higher order. The experimental part of this work is devoted to the electronic chiralization of a xenon atom and its observation by 129Xe NMR spectroscopy. |