par Cantelli, Fabrizio 
Référence Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 10, 1, page (57-76)
Publication Publié, 2004-04

Référence Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 10, 1, page (57-76)
Publication Publié, 2004-04
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The article aims at deepening the reconfiguration of expertise used today in public action against AIDS in the French-speaking part of Belgium. Built onJurgen Habermas' pragmatic model of expertise, the hypothesis of a “spaceof interdependence” between public action and expertise has been developed. This angle allows to examine the proximity regime, the transactions andtheir reciprocal adjustments. The reconfiguration of expertise and what isat stake in terms of recognition are put in the context of the Belgianpolitical landscape (emergence of Ecolo) and the perception of AIDS in thewhole Europe (normalisation of AIDS). In order to refine the pragmaticmodel, we have complemented our relational framework with the integration ofagonistic dynamics of medical, associative and sociological expertises inpublic action against AIDS. |