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Résumé : The first coefficients of the effective-range expansion are derived by a direct calculation at zero energy, i.e., without extrapolation, in the generator coordinate version of the resonating-group method. The parameters of the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction are adjusted on available experimental data (phase shifts or binding energies). The scattering length and effective range are determined in this way for the α + n, 16O + n, 14C + n neutron scatterings, α + p, 16O + p, 14O + p proton scatterings, and α + α, α + 3H, α + 3He collisions between light ions. In many cases, neutral and charged, the effective-range expansion is valid up to energies larger than 5 MeV and provide a simple parametrization of the phase shifts. For α + α, the scattering length and effective range can be derived from the properties of the 8Be ground-state resonance. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.