par Abusleme, Angel;Clerbaux, Barbara ;Colomer Molla, Marta ;Petitjean, Pierre-Alexandre ;Yifan, Yang ; [et al.]
Référence The European Physical Journal Plus, 139, 12, 1128
Publication Publié, 2024-12-01
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Résumé : The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a large-scale neutrino experiment with multiple physics goals including determining the neutrino mass hierarchy, the accurate measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters, the neutrino detection from supernovae, the Sun, and the Earth, etc. JUNO puts forward physically and technologically stringent requirements for its central detector (CD), including a large volume and target mass (20 kt liquid scintillator, LS), a high-energy resolution (3% at 1 MeV), a high light transmittance, the largest possible photomultiplier (PMT) coverage, the lowest possible radioactive background, etc. The CD design, using a spherical acrylic vessel with a diameter of 35.4 m to contain the LS and a stainless steel structure to support the acrylic vessel and PMTs, was chosen and optimized. The acrylic vessel and the stainless steel structure will be immersed in pure water to shield the radioactive background and bear great buoyancy. The challenging requirements of the acrylic sphere have been achieved, such as a low intrinsic radioactivity and high transmittance of the manufactured acrylic panels, the tensile and compressive acrylic node design with embedded stainless steel pad, and one-time polymerization for multiple bonding lines. Moreover, several technical challenges of the stainless steel structure have been solved: the production of low radioactivity stainless steel material, the deformation and precision control during production and assembly, and the usage of high-strength stainless steel rivet bolt and of high friction efficient linkage plate. Finally, the design of the ancillary equipment such as the LS filling, overflowing, and circulating system was done.