par Ingeberg, V. W.;Siem, Sunniva;Wiedeking, M.;Choplin, Arthur
;Goriely, Stéphane
;Siess, Lionel
;Abrahams, K.J.;Arnswald, Konrad;Bello Garrote, Frank Leonel;Bleuel, Darren D.L.;Cederkäll, Joakim;Christoffersen, T.L.;Cox, D.M.;De Witte, Hilde;Gaffney, L.P.;Görgen, Andreas;Henrich, Corinna;Illana, A.;Jones, Pete;Kheswa, B.V.;Kröll, Thorsten;Majola, Siyabonga S.N.T.;Malatji, K.L.;Ojala, Joonas;Pakarinen, Janne;Rainovski, G.;Reiter, Peter;Von Schmid, M.;Seidlitz, M.;Tveten, G.M.;Warr, Nigel;Zeiser, Fabio
Référence Physical Review C, 111, 1, 015803
Publication Publié, 2025-01-01

Référence Physical Review C, 111, 1, 015803
Publication Publié, 2025-01-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Proton-γ coincidences from (d,p) reactions between a Ni66 beam and a deuterated polyethylene target have been analyzed with the inverse-Oslo method to find the nuclear level density (NLD) and γ-ray strength function (γSF) of Ni67. The Ni66(n,γ) capture cross section has been calculated using the Hauser-Feshbach model in TALYS using the measured NLD and γSF as constraints. The results confirm that the Ni66(n,γ) reaction acts as a bottleneck when relying on one-zone nucleosynthesis calculations. However, the impact of this reaction is strongly dampened in multizone models of low-metallicity AGB stars experiencing i-process nucleosynthesis. |