par Wilkin, Alexis
Référence Archivi, scritture e trasmissione documentaria nel Mediterraneo altomedievale (secoli V-X). Una prospettiva comparata (Project Lexiconomy. Writing the Structures of Landholding in a Changing Italy (5th–8th century) (2024-12-20: Rome)
Publication Non publié, 2024-12-20
Communication à un colloque
  • The (poorly) documented evidence for the administration of land and people in the pre-Carolingian Frankish territories
Auteur:Wilkin, Alexis
Informations sur la publication:Archivi, scritture e trasmissione documentaria nel Mediterraneo altomedievale (secoli V-X). Una prospettiva comparata (Project Lexiconomy. Writing the Structures of Landholding in a Changing Italy (5th–8th century) (2024-12-20: Rome)
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2024-12-20
Sujet CREF:Histoire du moyen-age occidental