par Compère, Geoffrey
;Hoque, Sk Jahanur
;Kutluk, Emine Seyma 
Référence Classical and quantum gravity, 41, 15, page (155006)
Publication Publié, 2024-07

Référence Classical and quantum gravity, 41, 15, page (155006)
Publication Publié, 2024-07
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Abstract We obtain the closed form expression for the metric perturbation around de Sitter spacetime generated by a matter source below Hubble scale both in generalized harmonic gauge and in Bondi gauge up to quadrupolar order in the multipolar expansion, including both parities (i.e. both mass and current quadrupoles). We demonstrate that such a source causes a displacement memory effect close to future infinity that originates, in the even-parity sector, from a Λ-BMS transition between the two non-radiative regions of future infinity. |