par Duerinckx, Mitia 
Référence Archive for rational mechanics and analysis, 248, 6, 94
Publication Publié, 2024-12-01

Référence Archive for rational mechanics and analysis, 248, 6, 94
Publication Publié, 2024-12-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | This work is devoted to the large-scale rheology of suspensions of non-Brownian inertialess rigid particles, possibly self-propelling, suspended in a Stokes flow. Starting from a hydrodynamic model, we derive a semi-dilute mean-field description in form of a Doi-type model, which is given by a ‘macroscopic’ effective Stokes equation coupled with a ‘microscopic’ Vlasov equation for the statistical distribution of particle positions and orientations. This accounts for some non-Newtonian effects since the viscosity in the effective Stokes equation depends on the local distribution of particle orientations via Einstein’s formula. The main difficulty is the detailed analysis of multibody hydrodynamic interactions between the particles, which we perform by means of a cluster expansion combined with a multipole expansion in a suitable dilute regime. |