par Emplit, Philippe
;Vermeulen, Valérie 
Référence 2024 European Learning & Teaching Forum(08 - 09 Feb 2024: Ruhr University Bochum)
Publication Publié, 2024-02-12

Référence 2024 European Learning & Teaching Forum(08 - 09 Feb 2024: Ruhr University Bochum)
Publication Publié, 2024-02-12
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : | Since 1999, the Bologna Process has advocated towards a new teaching paradigm, the so-called student-centred approach to learning, as well as towards more coherence of the higher education system across Europe. This paper explores how co-creation of course contents and learning activities, for and with students, may be implemented to sustain a student-centred evolution of teaching. Located at the crossroads between action-research based method and case study, our co-creation initiative strives for the enhancement of the student’s learning experience. Using statistical and qualitative data, this paper investigates how a 3-years-long course redesign with the support of co-creating students has induced significant effects on the curriculum, on the members of the pedagogical team and on the student cohort. Consequently, we suggest that in most higher education systems, student-staff partnership through co-creation is a highly adaptive process that may improve multiple dimensions of teaching and learning in a student- centred way. |