par Van Daele, Raphael
Référence 4th Biennal Conference of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP). Interpretation and Reinvention of Chinese Philosophy (2023-06-16: University of Macerata, Macerata, Italy)
Publication Non publié, 2023-06-16
Communication à un colloque
  • Comprehending the Cosmic Agency: The Way (Dao 道), Its Virtue (De 德), and the Numinous (Shen 神) in Han Kangbo’s Commentary to the Xici Zhuan
Auteur:Van Daele, Raphael
Informations sur la publication:4th Biennal Conference of the European Association for Chinese Philosophy (EACP). Interpretation and Reinvention of Chinese Philosophy (2023-06-16: University of Macerata, Macerata, Italy)
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2023-06-16
Sujet CREF:Philosophie
Histoire de la philosophie et de la morale
Mots-clés:Chinese Studies
Book of Changes
Han Kangbo
Appended Statements
Note générale:Recherche menée avec le support du F.R.S.-FNRS et de la Fondation Wiener-Anspach