par Verhoest, Louise
;Drouet, Thomas
;Noret, Nausicaa 
Référence Science of the total environment, 950, 175238
Publication Publié, 2024-11-10

Référence Science of the total environment, 950, 175238
Publication Publié, 2024-11-10
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Soil trace metal (TM) contamination is a worldwide issue and threatens food production and security. Remediation of cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) contaminated soils by phytoextraction with the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator Noccaea caerulescens is widely studied but few studies have investigated the efficiency of this technique to reduce Cd and Zn soil-to-crop transfers to subsequent vegetable crops. The vegetable biomonitor rocket Diplotaxis tenuifolia was grown in pots on 13 moderately contaminated soils that had previously been cropped with N. caerulescens. Using mixed-effects models, we show the drivers of rocket biomass, Cd and Zn concentrations. Our models show, for our study soils, the benefit of previous N. caerulescens uptake of Cd and Zn in decreasing Cd and Zn concentrations in a subsequent rocket crop. We also show a slight positive impact of N. caerulescens biomass (and therefore uptake) on rocket growth. Our data show that exchangeable soil concentrations are major drivers of Cd and Zn rocket concentrations. Other soil variables negatively driving rocket Cd and Zn concentrations are NO3− content, organic matter content, cation exchange capacity, and soil manganese which stimulate rocket biomass and/or influence TM bioavailability. Rocket D. tenuifolia seems to be a good biomonitor for contaminated soils as it is tolerant to relatively high TM soil concentrations. We demonstrate that 40 % of rockets grown on soils below 2 mg total Cd kg−1 dry soil have foliar Cd concentrations above the European maximum allowed level confirming the need to review soil legal thresholds to protect consumers' health. In conclusion, our study suggests promising use of N. caerulescens phytoextraction for bioavailable contaminant stripping which is all the more interesting given the increasing demand for urban growing spaces. |