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Résumé : This work addresses the problem of exact schedulability assessmentin uniprocessor mixed-criticality real-time systems with sporadictask sets. We model the problem by means of a finite automaton thathas to be explored in order to check for schedulability. To mitigatethe state explosion problem, we provide a generic algorithm whichis parameterised by several techniques called oracles and simulationrelations. These techniques leverage results from the schedulingliterature as “plug-ins” that make the algorithm more efficient inpractice. Our approach achieves up to a 99.998% reduction in thesearch space required for exact schedulability testing, making itpractical for a range of task sets, up to 8 tasks or maximum periods of350. This method enables to challenge the pessimism of an existingschedulability test and to derive a new dynamic-priority scheduler,demonstrating its good performance.