Résumé : This thesis focuses on studying and developing quantum gravity models in lower dimensions that include black holes and share features with realistic four-dimensional systems. It follows the gauge/gravity duality framework, originally linking gravitational systems in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spaces to conformal field theory (CFT). The research explores holographic scenarios involving Warped CFT, which may better describe realistic situations.Our work proposes a New Chiral Gravity with particularly simple symmetries. We examine the linearized spin-2 perturbation around the AdS3 background in Topologically Massive Gravity (TMG) with boundary conditions known as Compère-Song-Strominger (CSS) conditions. We demonstrate that at certain coupling points in the theory, black holes have positive energy while the energy of the linearized excitations is non-negative. This could represent one of the simplest, most stable, and coherent gravitational theories, notably including black holes.In the continuation of this thesis, we aim to fill a gap in the study of so-called Warped BTZ spacetimes, which are holographically dual to WCFTs, by establishing boundary conditions that allow for finite charges and a rich phase space containing these WBTZ black holes. We discuss the integrability of these asymptotic charges and their algebras. We show that this leads us to consider two ensembles of boundary conditions, each giving rise to an asymptotic symmetry algebra in what is called the quadratic or the canonical ensemble. We discuss the notion of these ensembles with a view to reproducing the entropy of Warped BTZ black holes by that of a Warped CFT using a Cardy-type formula.Finally, in the last part of this thesis, we address the issue of supersymmetry in Warped BTZ spacetimes. In particular, we use the fact that WBTZ spacetimes can be studied as exact string theories to examine their supersymmetric properties within type IIB supergravity