par Falcoz, Pierre-Emmanuel F P-E;Berghmans, Thierry ;Da Rocha Almeida Brandao, Mariana ;Grigoriu, Bogdan Dragos ;Charloux, Anne
Référence Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualites, 16, page (2116-122)
Publication Publié, 2024-09-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : Surgery is the cornerstone treatment for limited stage non-small cell lung cancer and car-cinoid tumours, and may be considered for some cases of small-cell lung cancer. Before considering a patient for surgical resection, two points must be taken into account: the resectability – the surgeon's ability for taking out all the cancer tissue – and the operability – the patient's ability to tolerate the surgical intervention with adequate recovery and quality of life. Resectability depends on disease extent, while operability's consequences are measured by the operative risk (mortality and morbidity), taking into account patient's characteristics: comorbidities, cardiac and respiratory function, and general condition. This article will assess operability, with a particular attention to the cardiorespiratory work-up and decisional algorithms. 1877-1203