Résumé : Vascularization is vital for supplying nutrients and oxygen to cells while eliminating waste. Regardless of technological advances in 3D bioprinting, fabricating structures with voids and small channels remains a challenge. A majority of current approaches continue to rely on pre-existing blood vessels to grow into the engineered tissue, restricting the size and complexity of the constructs. Still, there is an unmet demand to ensure means of vascularization in artificial tissues that are both feasible and easily reproducible.In this light, our study presents a novel approach to create robust yet flexible and permeable artificial vessels in a single processing step using 3D coaxial extrusion printing of a biomaterial ink based on tyramine-modified polyethylene glycol (PEG-Tyr). We combined the excellent gelatin biocompatibility/activity, robustness of PEG-Tyr and alginate with the shear-thinning properties of methylcellulose in a new biomaterial ink (#flexink) for fabrication of bioinspired vessels. Coaxial printing allowing for simultaneous extrusion of materials in a concentric manner was used to 3D print biomimetic vessels. The core ink served as a crosslinking slurry for the #flexink resulting in an easy single-step channel formation. Enzyme-mediated crosslinking of PEG-Tyr performed right after the extrusion, facilitated the formation of covalent crosslinks within the hydrogel chains, ensuring vessels stability and improving mechanical properties. The designed #flexink yielded stretchable and flexible vessels with no compromise to cell viability and adhesion. The printed vessels had uniform wall thickness, good shape retention, excellent permeability, and perfusability handling burst pressures up to 283.3 mbar. The vessel walls resembled fenestrated or sinusoidal capillaries with larger fissures and pores that facilitated rapid substance exchange. Chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) and in vivo tests demonstrated the ability of hydrogel to promote neoangiogenesis. As such, #flexink holds promise for vascular tissue engineering applications, providing a flexible, biocompatible, and functional platform for fabricating vascular structures.