par Dubar, Eva;Van Bogaert, Laurie ;Losfeld, Armand ;Lafruit, Gauthier ;Teratani, Mehrdad
Référence 12th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP 2024)(8-11th September: Geneva, Switzerland)
Publication A Paraître, 2024-09-14
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : Multi-layer displays are a type of 3D display composed of multiple LCD panels arranged in front of a backlight. For generating the layers, iterative methods are commonly employed, which lead to long computational times that are not suitable for real-time 3D imaging systems. This study addresses the challenge of real-time computation of multi-layer images using a depth camera and demonstrates an end-to-end capture to display process. Unlike iterative methods, our approach directly computes the layers. Firstly, we pre-process the depth input. Secondly, we recreate a focal stack by slicing views based on depth and applying blur. Then, we calculate the multi-layer compensation to diminish artifacts from object blur across layers. The entire pipeline, from Kinect to layered 3D display, achieves a frame rate between 20 and 28 frames per second, at the cost of reduced quality in the reproduced views