par Van Bogaert, Laurie ;Losfeld, Armand ;Lafruit, Gauthier ;Teratani, Mehrdad
Référence (15-19 July 2024: Niagara Falls, Canada), 2024 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)
Publication Publié, 2024-07-18
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : Tensor displays are multiview glasses-free 3D displays composed of a stack of LCD layers. The images displayed on each layer are usually generated from a dense set of viewpoints (light field) or a set of focused images (focal stack). This paper presents an alternative using a single color view with depth for the generation of the images' layers. To do so various single-RGBD pipelines using intermediate data formats to generate the layers' images, including a direct method, are compared. Experiments show that by a single-color view with depth as input, one can provide a quality close to the light field or focal stack pipelines, hence reducing memory storage costs.