par Filiot, Emmanuel
;Jecker, Ismaël Robin
;Löding, Christof;Muscholl, Anca;Puppis, Gabriele;Winter, Sarah 
Référence Proceedings - Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 33
Publication Publié, 2024-07-01

Référence Proceedings - Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 33
Publication Publié, 2024-07-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | A transducer is finite-valued if for some bound k, it maps any given input to at most k outputs. For classical, one-way transducers, it is known since the 80s that finite valuedness entails decidability of the equivalence problem. This decidability result is in contrast to the general case, which makes finite-valued transducers very attractive. For classical transducers it is also known that finite valuedness is decidable and that any k-valued finite transducer can be decomposed as a union of k single-valued finite transducers.In this paper, we extend the above results to copyless streaming string transducers (SSTs), answering questions raised by Alur and Deshmukh in 2011. SSTs strictly extend the expressiveness of oneway transducers via additional variables that store partial outputs. We prove that any k-valued SST can be effectively decomposed as a union of k (single-valued) deterministic SSTs. As a corollary, we obtain equivalence of SSTs and two-way transducers in the finite-valued case (those two models are incomparable in general). Another corollary is an elementary upper bound for checking equivalence of finite-valued SSTs. The latter problem was already known to be decidable, but the proof complexity was unknown (it relied on Ehrenfeucht's conjecture). Finally, our main result is that finite valuedness of SSTs is decidable. The complexity is PSpace, and even PTime when the number of variables is fixed. |