par Artico, Tancredi 
Référence A Century of Italian War Narratives: Voices from the Sidelines, Brill, page (198-217)
Publication Publié, 2023-01

Référence A Century of Italian War Narratives: Voices from the Sidelines, Brill, page (198-217)
Publication Publié, 2023-01
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
Résumé : | In contrast with a recent study by Simonetta Bartolini, L’epica della Grande Guerra. Il fallimento degli intellettuali ([The Epics of the Great War. The Failure of Intellectuals], 2015), Tancredi Artico attempts to distance war narratives from the critical lenses imposed by ancient epic tradition and proposes to identify a corpus of texts which becomes emblematic of this anti-rhetoric, incorporating works like Gadda’s Giornale di Guerra e di prigionia [Journal of War and Imprisonment], Palazzeschi’s Due imperi… mancati [Two Missed Empires], and many others. |