par Panzano, Guido 
Référence The Routledge Handbook of Autocratization, Taylor and Francis, page (427-439)
Publication Publié, 2024-01

Référence The Routledge Handbook of Autocratization, Taylor and Francis, page (427-439)
Publication Publié, 2024-01
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
Résumé : | The chapter investigates the impact of the onset and unfolding of episodes of autocratization on the relations between ethnic minority and majority groups. It adopts a combination of different sources and techniques in order to examine whether, during episodes of autocratization, a significant degradation of the conditions of ethnic groups occurs systematically. First, the chapter presents the results of a large-N study on a global sample of ethnic groups, since the end of World War II until 2020, merging expert survey data on ethnic groups and political regimes. Second, it adds qualitative evidence from reports by international organizations and NGOs dealing with the predicament of ethnic groups in autocratizing countries, focusing on three typical cases (the United States, Brazil, and India), nested in the previously illustrated statistical models. The analysis demonstrates how being under an episode of autocratization is a favorable condition for ethnic groups to experience more domination (usually for majorities or already included groups) and more discrimination (usually for minorities or excluded groups). Accordingly, the chapter adds another substantial and negative fallout of autocratization and presents new avenues for further research. |