par Vranken, Apolline
Référence Why Have There Been No Great Women Architects? Feminist perspectives on gendered spaces in modern architecture and art history (14 juin 2024: TU Wien, Vienne)
Publication Non publié, 2024-06-14
Communication à un colloque
  • De-pioneering the history of architecture: from Simone Guillissen-Hoa (1916-1996) to her constellations
Auteur:Vranken, Apolline
Informations sur la publication:Why Have There Been No Great Women Architects? Feminist perspectives on gendered spaces in modern architecture and art history (14 juin 2024: TU Wien, Vienne)
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2024-06-14
Sujet CREF:Urbanisme et architecture (aspect sociologique)
Architecture et art urbain
Histoire et arts
Mots-clés:modern architecture
simone guillissen-hoa
gender studies
feminist art history
feminist architecture history