par Stamou, Ioanna
;Clesse, Sébastien 
Référence Physical Review D, 109, 12
Publication Publié, 2024-06

Référence Physical Review D, 109, 12
Publication Publié, 2024-06
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | We investigate the viability of primordial black hole (PBH) formation in the standard model (SM) in a scenario that does not rely on specific inflationary features or any exotic physics such as phase transitions or nonminimal coupling to gravity. If the Brout-Englert-Higgs (BEH) field lies exactly at the transition between metastability and stability, its potential exhibits an inflexion point due to radiative corrections. The BEH can act like a stochastic curvaton field, leading to a non-Gaussian tail of large curvature fluctuations that later collapse into PBHs when they reenter inside the horizon. This scenario would require a precise value of the top-quark mass to ensure the Higgs stability, which is disfavored but still consistent with the most recent measurements. However, we also find that large curvature fluctuations are also generated on cosmological scales that are inconsistent with cosmic microwave background observations. We therefore conclude that the SM cannot have led to the formation of PBHs based on this mechanism. Nevertheless, a variation of the scenario based on the Palatini formulation of gravity may have provided the conditions to produce stellar-mass PBHs with an abundance comparable to dark matter, without producing too large curvature fluctuations on cosmological scales. |