par Willame, Martin;Storrer, Laurent
;Yildirim, Hasan Can
;Horlin, François
;Louveaux, Jérôme
Référence (26-30 August, 2024: Lyon, France), Proc. of the 32nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
Publication A Paraître, 2024-08

Référence (26-30 August, 2024: Lyon, France), Proc. of the 32nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
Publication A Paraître, 2024-08
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : | Recent advancements in Wi-Fi sensing have sparkedinterest in exploiting OFDM modulated communication signalsfor target detection and tracking. In this study, we address theangle-based localization of multiple targets using a multistaticOFDM radar. While the maximum likelihood approach optimallymerges data from each radar pair comprised by the system,it entails a complex multi-dimensional search process. Leveraging pre-estimation of the targets’ parameters obtained via theMUSIC algorithm, our method decouples this multi-dimensionalsearch into a single two-dimensional estimator per target. Theproposed alternating summation method allows the computationof a combined likelihood map aggregating contributions fromeach radar pair, enabling target detection via peak selection. Besides reducing computational complexity, the method effectivelycaptures target interactions and accommodates varying radarpair localization abilities. Also, it requires transmitting only theestimated channel covariance matrices of each radar pair to thecentral processor. Numerical simulations demonstrate superiorperformance over existing approaches. |