par Rongeon, Caëlan;Gelain, Riccardo ;Hendrick, Patrick
Référence Space Propulsion Conference(9th: 20-23 May 2024: Glasgow, Scotland)
Publication Publié, 2024-05-22
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : The combustion behaviour of hybrid rocket propellants can be investigated using hybrid rocket slab burners. Combining high-speed camera visualisation and experimental data allows to estimate the combustion internal ballistics features. However, difficulties are still encountered in transposing viable results evaluated on slab burners to large-scale engines with a conventional cylindrical configuration. Establishing a link between a slab burner and a small-scale engine could simplify the transition to large-scale systems. This paper describes adaptation and new designs on the slab burner called MOUETTE, developed by the Aero-Thermo-Mechanics department of Université Libre de Bruxelles, to modulate it as a conventional small-scale hybrid rocket engine. A first experimental campaign has been carried out to validate the modularity of the system.