par Simar, Cédric
;Colot, Martin
;Cebolla Alvarez, Ana Maria
;Petieau, Mathieu
;Chéron, Guy
;Bontempi, Gianluca 
Référence Frontiers in Neuroscience, 18
Publication Publié, 2024-04-01

Référence Frontiers in Neuroscience, 18
Publication Publié, 2024-04-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Myoelectric prostheses have recently shown significant promise for restoring hand function in individuals with upper limb loss or deficiencies, driven by advances in machine learning and increasingly accessible bioelectrical signal acquisition devices. Here, we first introduce and validate a novel experimental paradigm using a virtual reality headset equipped with hand-tracking capabilities to facilitate the recordings of synchronized EMG signals and hand pose estimation. Using both the phasic and tonic EMG components of data acquired through the proposed paradigm, we compare hand gesture classification pipelines based on standard signal processing features, convolutional neural networks, and covariance matrices with Riemannian geometry computed from raw or xDAWN-filtered EMG signals. We demonstrate the performance of the latter for gesture classification using EMG signals. We further hypothesize that introducing physiological knowledge in machine learning models will enhance their performances, leading to better myoelectric prosthesis control. We demonstrate the potential of this approach by using the neurophysiological integration of the “move command" to better separate the phasic and tonic components of the EMG signals, significantly improving the performance of sustained posture recognition. These results pave the way for the development of new cutting-edge machine learning techniques, likely refined by neurophysiology, that will further improve the decoding of real-time natural gestures and, ultimately, the control of myoelectric prostheses. |