par Descouvemont, Pierre
;Dohet-Eraly, Jérémy 
Référence Few-body systems, 65, 1, 9
Publication Publié, 2024-03-01

Référence Few-body systems, 65, 1, 9
Publication Publié, 2024-03-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The R-matrix method is widely used in scattering calculations. We present a simple extension that provides the energy and width of resonances by computing eigenvalues of a complex symmetric matrix. We briefly present the method and show some typical applications in two- and three-body systems. In particular, we discuss in more detail the 6He and 6Be three-body nuclei (α+n+n and α+p+p, respectively). We show that large bases are necessary to reach convergence of the bound-state or resonance properties. |