par Sirotti, Marco
;Delsaute, Brice
;Staquet, Stéphanie 
Référence Materials, 16, 16, 5659
Publication Publié, 2023-08

Référence Materials, 16, 16, 5659
Publication Publié, 2023-08
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Alkali-activated slag (AAS) is emerging as a possible and more sustainable alternative to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) in the construction industry, thanks to its good mechanical and chemical properties. Conversely, the effects of its high drying shrinkage are still a concern for its long-term durability. This study aims to investigate the drying shrinkage behaviour of six AAS/sodium hydroxide mortar compositions and the main phenomena affecting their drying shrinkage behaviour. Specifically, the molarity, solution-to-binder ratio (s/b), autogenous shrinkage, creep compliance, microcracking, and carbonation are considered as possible causes of the differences between AAS and OPC. The results show that it is not possible to correlate the shrinkage magnitude with the molarity of the activating solution, while an increase in the s/b increases the drying shrinkage. Concerning the other factors, autogenous deformation remains significant even after a period of 112 days, while the creep compliance is definitely affected by the drying process but does not seem to affect the shrinkage magnitude. Furthermore, the presence of microcracks caused by the drying process definitely influences the drying shrinkage. Finally, carbonation depends on the molarity of the activating solution, even though its effects on the material are still unclear. |