Résumé : Psychodermatology is a subspecialty of dermatology that is of increasing interest to dermatologists and patients. The case for the provision of at least regional psychodermatology services across Europe is robust. Psychodermatology services have been shown to have better, quicker and more cost-efficient clinical outcomes for patients with psychodermatological conditions. Despite this, psychodermatology services are not uniformly available across Europe. In fact many countries have yet to establish dedicated psychodermatology services. In other countries psychodermatology services are in development. Even in countries where psychodermatolgy units have been established, the services are not available across the whole country. This is especially true for the provision of paediatric psychodermatology services. Also whilst most states across Europe are keen to develop psychodermatology services, the rate at which this development is being implemented is very slow. Our paper maps the current provision of psychodermatology services across Europe and indicates that there is still very much more work to be done in order to develop the comprehensive psychodermatology services across Europe, which are so crucial for our patients.