par Syed, Jabbar Ghufran;Khan, Mansoor Ali;Chinoy, Muhammad Amin;Pigeolet, Manon 
Référence Tropical doctor, 53, 3, page (378-380)
Publication Publié, 2023-07-01

Référence Tropical doctor, 53, 3, page (378-380)
Publication Publié, 2023-07-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Ponseti treatment has been well-established as the gold standard for the treatment of idiopathic clubfoot in high-income countries and middle- and low-income countries (LMICs). The tenotomy is usually performed in the clinic using a scalpel blade under local anesthesia. However, we believe that by adapting the technique from Minkowitz et al. to a low-resource setting, we can help address some of the known barriers to Ponseti care. Using a needle instead of a blade makes the procedure less cumbersome easier to learn and easier to understand for the provider, family and the patient. We were able show that the needle tenotomy technique can be implemented in a low-resource setting like Pakistan, and can be performed using only one assistant and materials that are locally and readily available for the same cost This paper and its attached educational videos can help spread the technique among providers in low-resource settings. |