par Marrone, Federico;Stoch, Fabio
;Turki, Souâd;Naselli-Flores, Luigi
Référence Hydrobiologia, 850, 21, page (4815-4829)
Publication Publié, 2023-12

Référence Hydrobiologia, 850, 21, page (4815-4829)
Publication Publié, 2023-12
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Even in a biodiversity hotspot such as the Mediterranean basin, aspects relating to the distribution of some groups of microcrustaceans still need clarification. In this paper, we critically analyse the available information on diaptomid copepods in Tunisian inland waters and, based on the largest sampling campaign to date carried out in the country, report new data on their distribution. In the frame of this study, 248 crustacean samples were collected from 190 sites, and 10 diaptomid species belonging to 7 genera and 2 subfamilies were found in the samples. Their distribution follows a climate gradient determined by precipitation, and ecological variables mainly affect diaptomid distribution in the study area, while pure spatial factors are of negligible importance. Diaptomid biodiversity is therefore strongly linked to the diversity of inland waters that characterise the country. This is especially true in the wetlands of the Medjerda alluvial plain, where six diaptomid species co-occurred sympatrically, with up to four or five species coexisting syntopically and synchronically in some sites. Unfortunately, the natural water bodies of this plain are currently strongly threatened by urban expansion and agricultural reclamation, and the risk of local extinction for the species they host is increasingly high. |