par Amelio, Ivan
;Chiocchetta, Alessio;Carusotto, Iacopo
Référence Physical Review E, 109, 1, 014104
Publication Publié, 2024-01-01

Référence Physical Review E, 109, 1, 014104
Publication Publié, 2024-01-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | We investigate the finite-size origin of the coherence time (or equivalently of its inverse, the emission linewidth) of a spatially extended, one-dimensional nonequilibrium condensate. We show that the well-known Schawlow-Townes scaling of laser theory, possibly including the Henry broadening factor, only holds for small system sizes, while in larger systems the linewidth displays a novel scaling determined by Kardar-Parisi-Zhang physics. This is shown to lead to an opposite dependence of the coherence time on the optical nonlinearity in the two cases. We then study how subuniversal properties of the phase dynamics such as the higher moments of the phase-phase correlator are affected by the finite size and discuss the relation between the field coherence and the exponential of the phase-phase correlator. We finally identify a configuration with enhanced open boundary conditions, which supports a spatially uniform steady state and facilitates experimental studies of the coherence time scaling. |