par Gigante, Claudio 
Référence Critica letteraria, 51, 200, page (504-521)
Publication Publié, 2023-02-01

Référence Critica letteraria, 51, 200, page (504-521)
Publication Publié, 2023-02-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Philosophy and literature are in Svevo two porous zones, being part of the same approach: if Svevo takes an interest in philosophy, he does so from a distinctly literary standpoint, in order to lend, through his writing, a diegetic form to his authors' thinking and, at the same time, to "betray" and "falsify" the same. The peculiar treatment of the theme of smoking in Coscienza takes its origin, a~ide from Svevo's own biographical experience, from the relationship of cigarettes to impulses, emotions, desires and hesitations which from the late Nineteenth century onwards find expression in European literature. |