par Ostermann, Marlies;Vincent, Jean Louis 
Référence Critical care, 27, 1, 186
Publication Publié, 2023-12

Référence Critical care, 27, 1, 186
Publication Publié, 2023-12
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Critical illness is a continuum, but patient care is often fragmented. Value-based critical care focuses on the overall health of the patient, not on an episode of care. The “ICU without borders” model incorporates a concept where members of the critical care team are involved in the management of patients from the onset of critical illness until recovery and beyond. In this paper, we summarise the potential benefits and challenges to patients, families, staff and the wider healthcare system and list some essential requirements, including a tight governance framework, advanced technologies, investment and trust. We also argue that “ICU without borders” should be viewed as a bi-directional model, allowing extended visiting hours, giving patients and families direct access to experienced critical care staff and offering mutual aid when needed. |